Why be a Freemason?
What are the benefits of being a Freemason, why people join and why you should consider joining.
How can I become a Freemason?
If you are 21 years of age, or 18 if you are the son of a Mason, of good character and background and believe in God you can become a Freemason. If you are known to a Freemason it will help but this is not essential. All potential members go through an informal and friendly interview after which, if put forward, will be balloted for membership by the Lodge Brethren.
Freemasonry is open to men of all faiths and within Staffordshire Lodges, members include Roman Catholics, Methodists, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Anglicans and Protestants.
People wishing to join must subscribe to being of service to others and to their own self-improvement, rather than look for personal gain. Freemasons are forbidden to use their membership for personal gain or advantage in any way.
If you want to take your interest further within Dieu La Cresse Lodge, please contact us directly. Alternatively, you can contact our Provincial Grand Lodge office on 01902 745151. There a member of staff will take a few details from you and pass them to a senior Freemason, who will contact you.
Why join Dieu La Cresse Lodge?
If you are interested in becoming a Mason, it is important you join a Lodge that is friendly and active to ensure you get the most from your time in Freemasonry. This website is designed to introduce you to Dieu La Cresse Lodge and give you more details on who we are and why we are a Lodge that you should consider joining.
We recommend that you also take some time to look at the United Grand Lodge of England’s website, as well as the Staffordshire Provincial Grand Lodge website.
Both of these are great resources and should answer most, if not all, of the questions you have about Freemasonry as a whole.